An in-depth 8-month journey to your higher self

October 18, 2024-May 18, 2025

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I have spent half my life in a typical academic path (BS, Masters, PHD), but all that knowledge pales in comparison to what I learned on this journey.
— Peter L. (class of 2024)
I got more from this training than i did in a master’s in therapy.
— Anna C. (class of 2024)




October 18, 2024 - May 18th, 2025

Before applying, please scroll up and review all the YTT information first. Dates, location, investment, curriculum are all below.


Applications close October 2nd,2024

*Please review the details of this training thoroughly before applying for this 8-month experience

Amber has an incredible gift for taking people on a journey of a lifetime. This training will take you beyond your wildest dreams.
— Shannon M. (class of 2024)

Every facet of this program is designed to be immersive and exploratory, enabling trainees to foster a visceral and somatic grasp of yoga, mindfulness, and leadership, alongside their underlying principles.

Distinguishing itself, this curriculum integrates a yoga teacher training with a mindfulness-centered leadership course, creating a truly one-of-a-kind offering.

What sets this program apart lies in its profound guidance through personal inquiry and healing through deep nervous system work. In addition, the ignition of self discovery through unique workshops and the practical application in ones every day life of advance concepts in not only yoga philosophy, but mindfulness and leadership—creates transformation seldom found in conventional yoga teacher trainings.

This innovative approach harmoniously weaves together with pragmatic teaching methodologies, ensuring that participants emerge as embodied yoga instructors and leaders.

I am now a surfer of emotions, where I used to get pummeled by waves. Boundless is not just a yoga teacher training, it’s straight up life changing and I would not be who I am right now without it.
— Emerson Casey (class of 2024)



Scroll through to see what past graduates are saying:




This Yoga Teacher Training + Mindfulness-Based Leadership Program is globally recognized and accredited by Yoga Alliance. The time-frame stretches over an 8-month cycle creating space for this journey to fit within the flow of life; as well as allowing for a solid container of integration.

The experience is approximately 90% in-person (Reno, NV) and 10% virtual.

October 18th, 2024 - May 18th, 2025


October 18-20, 2024 (opening in person weekend intensive)

SaTurday, NOvember 9, 2024 (virtual, master workshop 9am-3:30pm)

SaTurday, DEcember 14, 2024 (virtual, master workshop 10am-1pm)

SaTurday, DEcember 15 - 3-7pm (in person, give + receive ritual)

Yamas/Niyamas virtual preparation + integration sessions

(the time will likely be 10am for these sessions and will run approximately 45-minutes, unless one of the students absolutely can not make that time, then we will evaluate if a better time fits for all).

Sunday, Oct. 27: 10-week journey begins

Sunday, Nov. 3: Ahimsa

Sunday, Nov. 10: Satya

Sunday, Nov. 17: Asteya

Sunday, Nov. 24: Brahmacharya

Sunday, Dec. 1: Aparigraha

Sunday, Dec. 8: Soucha

Sunday, Dec. 15: Santosha

Sunday, Dec. 22: Tapas

Sunday, Dec. 29: Swadhyaya

Sunday, Jan. 5: Ishvarapranidhana


 January 10th-12th (in person weekend intensive)

February 7th-9th (in person weekend intensive)

March: 21st-23rd (in person weekend intensive)

April: 25th-27th (in person weekend intensive)

May: 16th-18th (in person weekend intensive + Graduation!)

There will also be homework in between modules such as attending 8 of my classes over the 8-months, course reading, practicum with peer groups, observing + assisting one of my classes, two assignments (SEVA + TECH), and one case study. These intentional growth practices are part of the 200-hours and are spaced out in a way that will feel accessible and integrated. 

Amber teaches Thursdays, 5:45-7pm 

*the class rate is a sliding scale of $12-22




The training will take place in Reno, Nevada (midtown area) in cozy spaces such as The Yoga CENTER, which is next to Perenn Bakery and many other wonderful places to eat; As well as AMBER’S HAUM (near downTOWN).





This training has 4 core intentions / learning outcomes…

Embrace your Roots (Kula)

Kula can be translated from Sanskrit as ‘community.’

Boundless is renowned for establishing a robust foundation through community, propelling every student towards progress. From enhancing the physical self to cultivating a profound sense of belonging, you will undergo initiation and find boundless inspiration (within and from each other).

  • Welcome hAUM ceremony! (to your community and to your essential, unbounded Self)

  • Yoga humanities: school lineage, style and methodology, yogic history, philosophy, ethics, sanskrit

  • Mindfulness + Meditation: afflictions of the mind / mind traps, mauna, seva, practical psychology/neuroscience, shadow work, somatics

  • Functional anatomy / physiology /biomechanics

  • Experiential practices / self discovery processes

  • Asana and beyond labs

Empower your Truth (Satya)

Satya can be translated from Sanskrit as ‘truth or essence.’

Boundless aims to guide you towards profound self-discovery, self-expression, and unwavering self-trust.

  • Fundamentals of Teaching: creativity, time management, rapport, reading a room, holding space, etc.

  • The art of sequencing + being trauma-informed: creating and teaching a safe, effective, innovative, and intuitive class

  • Assists & enhancements

  • Heart-centered Leadership (as a way of being, not just doing)

  • Public speaking for yoga teachers

  • Self-trust processes

Evoke your Purpose (Dharma)

Dharma can be understood in Sanskrit as ‘rightful duty/purpose/path.’

Boundless endeavors to unlock the gateway to deep introspection and illumination of the Self across physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and creative dimensions.

  • Pranayama + Bandhas

  • Subtle Body: Prana Vayus / Koshas / Nadis/meridians + Chakras / Mudras

  • The four purifications/cleansing techniques

  • Ayruveda 101

  • Pre- natal basics

  • Bio-individuality

  • Experiential practices / self-discovery processes

Embody your Potential (Moksha)

Moksha can be translated from Sanskrit to signify ‘liberation or freedom.’

Embracing Boundless is to re-enter the world imbued with greater Moksha (freedom) within our hearts and minds. It involves embodying confidence on a somatic level and sharing the acquired wisdom with others in a manner that resonates as genuine and exquisite to your being.

  • Restorative + Healing Practices/Rituals

  • Business of yoga (and the wellness industry in general)

  • Student teach lab (each student will have several opportunities to teach to their peer groups in small segments, concluding with a 45-minute class).

  • GRADUATION! *includes a closing ceremony, along with a ‘tag team’ class that will be open to one family member or friend - this is a very UNIQUE experience of Boundless and a powerful moment for each student to cross over into their ‘becoming’ as a teacher.

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Certification will be determined based on completion of the required hours, full engagement and interaction with the course content, a satisfactory level of completed assignments, along with the general ability to teach a safe and effective yoga class.

You will be trained to teach a Hatha and a vinyasa (flow) style class, as well as learn the fundamentals of a Dynamic Release Flow to enhance and inspire your own personal teaching approach. This training will not certify you in Dynamic Release Method however.


Dynamic Release Method (aka Dynamic Release Flow)

Dynamic: a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process.

Intelligent | Innovative | Inspiring

Dynamic Release Method (aka DRM: flow) is a one-of-kind yoga practice, created by Amber Campion. A hatha-flow style practice, focusing on deep nervous system repair through the presence of sensation, the power of breath, and the potency of myo-fascial release - all set to a heart-opening, practical dharma talk and an exquisite playlist to move your soul. What sets a D.R.M class apart from other flow-style classes is the way students are guided to move - as if moving under thick saltwater (slow and intentional). Students are led to move as if doing Qigong; softening the joints, breathing slowly, waving through the spine, and encouraging movement to originate from the deep core (your center). Sequencing is soulful and thoughtful, creating an embodied experience that feels both silky and strong. You can expect a unique take on sun salutations, as well as functional alignment cues for standing & seated postures, back bending, and inversions —all guided by a steady breath and mindfulness. Towards the end of class, we go deeper into balancing the nervous system by doing myofascial release using tennis balls. The result is a heart-centering, body-opening, soul-expanding release. D.R.M will challenge you, illuminate you, and create an incredibly strong and resilient body and mind.



A minimum of ONE-year of practice over the course of your life, along with the capacity to be a part of an in-depth training that explores practices and philosophies of the body, mind, and spirit.

Individuals embark on a yoga teacher training with diverse motivations. Some aspire to attain certification as yoga instructors or to advance their existing teaching skills. Others, however, may approach the training with a curiosity about this potential path, yet desire to deepen their personal practice and are intrigued by the distinct methodologies of a specific program.

This training serves as a gateway to not only initiate but also enrich your journey as a yoga teacher. Moreover, it extends its benefits to those seeking to delve further into their personal practice across all dimensions. The training facilitates the cultivation of heightened interpersonal and emotional intelligence, while also empowering participants to refine and broaden their capabilities in leadership and facilitation.

If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact the teacher at

*Once the application is reviewed and approved, Ambger will reach out for a 30-minute phone call. At that call you will get to know each other better, she will answer questions you may have, and you both will know whether or not this training is for you. If you decide to move forward, a $500 non-refundable deposit towards the tuition is required to officially reserve your spot.

TUITION + payment options: 

Option 1: $500 deposit + one installment of $2,700

Option 2: $500 deposit + six monthly installments of $499


To be fully prepared with manuals printed, Registration closes:

Wednesday, october. 2, 2024

*Space is limited to 10 students this year

REFUND POLICY: Because there are a limited number of spots in this specialized training, refunds are not guaranteed. If you need to pull out of the training before it starts, you may be able to receive a refund (minus the deposit) but only if we’re able to fill the spot. *No refunds once the program begins.

Please inquire at


Meet Your Teacher


Amber Campion is a trauma-informed yoga teacher/teacher trainer, breathwork facilitator, & mindfulness-based life + leadership coach. She is also the founder of Dynamic Release Flow {Method}™.

Amber has been practicing and teaching yoga + mindfulness for 20 years. She is an E-RYT500 (experienced registered yoga teacher) along with thousands of hours of additional training focused on somatics and the subtle body. At age 25, she became certified in New York City as a Holistic Health Counselor and Yoga Teacher, first and foremost, to help herself with personal physical and mental health issues. At age 28, she did Vipassana (a 10-day silent meditation retreat) in the jungle of Brazil, experiencing a profound awakening. Since, she has received in-depth coach training (Master Transformational Coach) and yoga training (E-500 RYT), has been attuned in reiki, became a practitioner of neurolinguistics programming, and continues to bring depth to her work through training in martial arts, improv, shadow work, breathwork, energy work, and somatic therapy.

Her teaching style has been deeply informed and influenced by her six years teaching mindfulness to at-risk and incarcerated youth in New York City, as well as training martial arts for eight years. Since, she has led yoga teacher trainings, retreats, master workshops, and virtual experiences supporting ‘devotees to depth’ to build a resourced life at the crossroads of inner self-discovery and inner self-mastery.

Her yoga lineage stems from the breath-focused tradition of Swami Kripalu, though she practices and teaches a style she organically developed called Dynamic Release {Flow} Method. She has been privileged to study with many of the pioneers in bringing yoga (specifically yoga therapy) to the West, such as Leslie Kaminoff, Richard Miller, Peter Sterios, Amy Weintraub, Nischala Joy Devi, and Durga Leela. She studied Thai bodywork in Thailand, receiving her certification through the Sunshine School of Traditional Thai Massage in Chiang Mai, and has continued to study both the physical and energetic body in the U.S.A extensively with renowned teachers of yoga and the martial arts.

Her presentation style has been described as “motivating, inspiring, creative, funny and authentically, REAL.”

A beloved student of behavioral psychology, neuroscience, poetry, and storytelling brings a unique flavor and magic to her body of work and overall message that we are in fact…larger, better than we know. 

Her work has been featured in Positively Positive, Thrive Global, Thought Catalog, YourTango, and The Yogipreneur. As well, she has collaborated with brands such as Specialized & has led workshops, retreats, and trainings throughout the world in Nicaragua, Thailand, Morocco, Costa Rica, Canada, Peru, Bali, and all over the United States.


*If you have further questions or would like to speak to Amber directly before filling out the application, you can email her at:


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24-page GUIDE: Radical Presence

6 rituals you can effortlessly weave into your world to create more space and deepen trust in your body, mind, and life.
